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Jennifer Aaker, Naomi Bagdonas: Humor, Seriously

‘Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (And how anyone can harness it. Even you.)’ talks about humor as a powerful tool that can enhance our work and life, but it is often overlooked or misunderstood. That’s why I was intrigued by this book by Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas. 

The book promises to show us how humor can boost our performance, relationships, and well-being, and how we can develop and use our humor skills. As someone who believes in the importance of humor and uses it in my managerial style, I was curious to see what the book had to offer. I was expecting a funny and inspiring book, with some scientific insights and practical tips. Did the book meet my expectations? Well, yes and no.

The various chapters of the book cover different aspect of humor: why it matters, how it works, what your style is, and how to use it. The authors provide practical tips and exercises to help you discover and improve your humor skills, as well as stories (a lot of them) and interviews from successful leaders and comedians who use humor in their work and life. 

The book is informative and insightful, and it is based on the authors’ experience as professors at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where they teach a popular course on humor. It is also backed by scientific evidence and real-world examples that show how humor can enhance your performance, relationships, and well-being. The book is not a comedy manual, but rather a guide to help you understand and apply the power of humor in business and life.

However, the book is not as funny as its title suggests. The jokes and anecdotes that the authors use to illustrate their points are often dull, cliché, or far-fetched. They are also very American-centric, which may not resonate with other cultures and contexts. The book tries too hard to be humorous, and sometimes it comes across as forced or awkward. The book is also repetitive and simplistic, and some of the advice is obvious or common sense.

In conclusion, the book is a useful and enjoyable read, but it is not a masterpiece. It is a good introduction to the topic of humor and its benefits, but it is not very original or hilarious. It is a book that will make you smile, but not laugh out loud. It is a book that will make you think, but not change your life. It is a book that will make you take humor seriously, but not too seriously.

#bookreview #humor #seriously #business #life #aaker #bagdonas


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