A journey through pages with my book reviews every second Monday

Category: Book reviews

  • Helen Russel: The Year of Living Danishly

    Helen Russel: The Year of Living Danishly



    Overview Helen Russell’s ‘The Year of Living Danishly’ is a captivating memoir that takes readers on a journey to Denmark, often cited as the world’s happiest country. Released in 2015, the book has since enchanted millions with its intimate portrayal of Russell’s personal and cultural adaptation to Danish life. Synopsis The narrative begins with Russell,…

  • Yuval Noah Harari: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century

    Yuval Noah Harari: 21 Lessons for the 21st Century



    Overview In ’21 Lessons for the 21st Century’, Yuval Noah Harari presents a compelling mosaic of the human condition, as viewed through the lens of today’s most pressing challenges. This book is not merely a read; it is an intellectual journey that offers a panoramic view of our contemporary world. Harari’s work stands as an…

  • Peter F. Drucker: The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done

    Peter F. Drucker: The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done



    Overview ‘The Effective Executive’ by Peter F. Drucker is a seminal book that delves into the art of being effective in the management realm. It’s a compact guide that has been sitting on my shelf, and I finally got to dive into its pages over a quiet Easter break. Synopsis ‘The Effective Executive,’ first published…

  • Thomas Beaufils: Histoire des Pays-Bas des origines à nos jours

    Thomas Beaufils: Histoire des Pays-Bas des origines à nos jours



    Thomas Beaufils, maître de conférences en civilisation des pays néerlandophones à l’université de Lille, nous offre une synthèse remarquable sur l’histoire des Pays-Bas, de leurs origines germaniques à nos jours. Il retrace les grandes étapes et les spécificités de cette nation unique, qui a su faire preuve d’un esprit d’ouverture, d’indépendance et d’ingéniosité, malgré les…

  • Thomas Frinault, Érik Neveu, Pierre Karila-Cohen: Qu’est-ce que l’opinion publique ?

    Thomas Frinault, Érik Neveu, Pierre Karila-Cohen: Qu’est-ce que l’opinion publique ?



    L’opinion publique est-elle une réalité ou une illusion? Comment se forme-t-elle, comment s’exprime-t-elle, comment évolue-t-elle au fil du temps et des contextes? Quel est son rôle et son influence dans la vie politique et sociale? Quels sont les acteurs, les outils, les enjeux de la scène publique? Autant de questions passionnantes et complexes que les…

  • Jennifer Aaker, Naomi Bagdonas: Humor, Seriously

    Jennifer Aaker, Naomi Bagdonas: Humor, Seriously



    ‘Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life (And how anyone can harness it. Even you.)’ talks about humor as a powerful tool that can enhance our work and life, but it is often overlooked or misunderstood. That’s why I was intrigued by this book by Jennifer Aaker and Naomi Bagdonas. …

  • Danielle Marchant: Pause

    Danielle Marchant: Pause



    ‘Pause: How to press pause before life does it for you’ by Danielle Marchant aims to help readers find balance and happiness in their lives by learning to slow down and reconnect with themselves. The book is inspired by the author’s own experience of suffering a burn-out and recovering through mindfulness and self-care practices. The…

  • Erica Dhawan: Digital Body Language

    Erica Dhawan: Digital Body Language



    In her book ‘Digital Body Language – How to Build Trust and Connection, No Matter the Distance’, Erica Dhawan, a leading expert on collaboration and communication, offers a comprehensive and practical guide to mastering the new signals and cues that have replaced traditional body language in the digital space. She draws on cutting-edge research, engaging…

  • Robert T. Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad

    Robert T. Kiyosaki: Rich Dad Poor Dad



    ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not!’ by Robert T. Kiyosaki is claimed to be the number one book for personal financial education. The catchy title suggests an interesting concept and a truly important topic: the financial education of our children and…

  • Alberto Cairo: How Charts Lie – Getting Smarter about Visual Information

    Alberto Cairo: How Charts Lie – Getting Smarter about Visual Information



    ‘How Charts Lie – Getting Smarter about Visual Information’ from Alberto Cairo aims to educate readers on how to interpret and use charts effectively. Cairo, a data visualization expert and professor at the University of Miami, argues that charts are powerful tools for communication, but they can also mislead, confuse, or manipulate us if we…